

尚未决定住所的学生有责任在学费截止日期前至少支付州内学费. 住所决定后, 如果学生被分类在州外率, the difference between the in-state 和 out-of-state rate will be due immediately. Do not wait until the final domicile decision is made to pay tuition!



你必须在开学前申请. 我们建议至少提前三周开始.

In-state tuition privileges is only granted to those who apply for in-state tuition. 学生们应该开始申请了 至少21天 学期前. Under no circumstances can a request be considered after the first day of classes. State law prohibits retroactive consideration of domicile (residency). 该应用程序将要求您提供 有效证件 你的资格. 身份随学校变化的学生, or who have not been enrolled for one year or longer must reapply for in-state tuition status.

To apply for in-state tuition rates, please review the University's policy on 居住权的决心 完成 申请州内学费 (paper form also available from the Registrar's 办公室 in Rollins Hall). 的 completed form should be submitted to the 办公室 of the 大学注册 online, 在人, 或传真 在第一天上课之前 对于问题中的项.



大学注册 罗林斯大厅1009号, 最靠谱的网赌软件 弗吉尼亚州诺福克23529-0053.


传真至大学注册处 757-683-5357


现役军人, 现役警卫或预备役队员, or guard or reservist members mobilized or on temporary active orders for six months or more,他们住在维珍有资格享受州内学费. To be eligible, the active duty military member must apply for the in-state tuition rate using the 现役/退伍军人学费申请.


强烈建议现役军人的配偶和受抚养子女与大学注册办公室或适当的基地代表联系,以获取完整的信息和申请表格. 军人配偶/家属学费津贴表 在开始上课之前,必须向大学注册办公室提交一份军人到弗吉尼亚的命令副本.


2020年秋季生效, 任何在弗吉尼亚州读过至少两年高中的学生,或者:

  • 七月一日或以后毕业, 2008, from a public or private high school or program of home instruction in the Commonwealth or
  • 通过了, 七月一日或之后, 2008, a high school equivalency examination approved by the Secretary of Education; 
  • 除非州法律另有规定, 在注册或注册日期前至少两年提交了弗吉尼亚州所得税申报表, 或者在一个依赖学生的情况下, 至少有一位家长, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, 或者代理父母的人已经这样做了; 
  • 无论其公民身份或移民身份如何,作为入学学生或在联邦公立高等教育机构注册的学生都有资格获得州内学费.
  • Students with current F, H3, J, or M visas are not eligible, in accordance with the 弗吉尼亚法典第23条.1-506(A)(10).

Students meeting the above criteria may apply for in-state tuition rates using the "申请州内学费 - High School Completer Form(也可在 注册主任表格网站). 希望被考虑州内学费的非学位学生必须提交完整的申请和他们的非学位入学表格.

现役军人, 现役警卫或预备役队员, or guard or reservist members mobilized or on temporary active orders for six months or more,他们住在维珍有资格享受州内学费. To be eligible, the active duty military member must apply for the in-state tuition rate using the 现役/退伍军人学费申请.


强烈建议现役军人的配偶和受抚养子女与大学注册办公室或适当的基地代表联系,以获取完整的信息和申请表格. 军人配偶/家属学费津贴表 在开始上课之前,必须向大学注册办公室提交一份军人到弗吉尼亚的命令副本.


2020年秋季生效, 任何在弗吉尼亚州读过至少两年高中的学生,或者:

  • 七月一日或以后毕业, 2008, from a public or private high school or program of home instruction in the Commonwealth or
  • 通过了, 七月一日或之后, 2008, a high school equivalency examination approved by the Secretary of Education; 
  • 除非州法律另有规定, 在注册或注册日期前至少两年提交了弗吉尼亚州所得税申报表, 或者在一个依赖学生的情况下, 至少有一位家长, 《最靠谱的网赌软件》, 或者代理父母的人已经这样做了; 
  • 无论其公民身份或移民身份如何,作为入学学生或在联邦公立高等教育机构注册的学生都有资格获得州内学费.
  • Students with current F, H3, J, or M visas are not eligible, in accordance with the 弗吉尼亚法典第23条.1-506(A)(10).

Students meeting the above criteria may apply for in-state tuition rates using the "申请州内学费 - High School Completer Form(也可在 注册主任表格网站). 希望被考虑州内学费的非学位学生必须提交完整的申请和他们的非学位入学表格.


If your status changes with the University you must submit a new application for in-state tuition. 例如, 如果你从无学位变成追求学位, 本科生转研究生, 或者是研究生项目发生了变化, 你必须重新提交.


这是学生的责任 提出或提出上诉 改变他或她的居住分类 在上课之前 对于问题中的项.



的 State Council of Higher Education for Virginia provides general, descriptive information about establishing Virginia domicile in order to qualify for in-state tuition. Inquiries about institutional tuition classification decisions, 或者涉及特殊情况的解释, should be directed to the institution a student plans to attend.

为了学费分类的目的,学生可能被视为“州内”的条件由 23章.1-500--510. 尽管个人在该州居住了很短的一段时间后,由于投票和其他法律目的,可能被视为该州居民, 该守则概述了必须满足的特定额外要求,才能被归类为“州内”的学费目的.


是的, but you must maintain the Virginia connections you have established, such as claiming any income as Virginia income for tax purposes. 这些联系的任何中断或改变都可能成为否定已经建立的任何住所的充分理由,并可能导致在返回弗吉尼亚时不得不重新建立住所. You should check with the institutional tuition classification officer before you leave the state.

是的, but the mere fact that you are a student is not sufficient evidence to consider you "in-state.“必须展示实际存在和意图.

不一定. Each individual must establish his or her own domicile as prescribed by tuition law.

是的, 学费援助补助金(TAG)和其他弗吉尼亚学生援助计划的接受者必须是本地居民.

班.S. 公民在被美国政府授予合法永久居民身份后,在法律上有能力在其境内建立住所.S. 移民服务. 移民可能会说, 并试图证明, eligibility for in-state tuition rates as Virginia domicile as any citizen of the United States. 责任落在了学生身上, 清晰而令人信服, his or her domicile 在维吉尼亚州 for the requisite one-year period.

No. 的 弗吉尼亚法典 provides some exceptions under which in-state tuition or reduced tuition rates might be available. Effective Fall 2006, all dependents of active duty military personnel who are assigned to a 常驻工作地点 在维吉尼亚州, 以及居住在弗吉尼亚的人, are eligible to receive in-state tuition to the Commonwealth's colleges 和 universities, so long as they are continuously enrolled in the institution. 军事 spouses 和 dependents must APPLY for this benefit.

是的. 的 non-military spouse must meet the same domicile requirements as any new resident to the state.

No. 7月1日生效, 2007, 被分配到弗吉尼亚州军事设施并居住在弗吉尼亚州的现役军人有资格享受州内学费. 军人学生必须申请才能获得州内费率.

No. 申请人必须分别在每所院校递交申请. Each institution must have appropriate documentation to support its classification decision.

Each public institution of higher education has established an 上诉程序 for students who question decisions on eligibility for in-state charges. 的 上诉程序 includes an immediate review 和 a final administrative review. 正当程序程序应采用书面形式,并应包括时间限制,以便有序和及时地解决所有争端. 受最终行政决定侵害的任何一方均有权向该机构所在司法管辖区的巡回法院提出复审.


住所是现在, 一个人暂时离开后返回的固定住所,他或她打算无限期地留在那里. 住所 in the Commonwealth must be established 12 months prior to the first day of class.

Intent, together with physical presence, establishes domicile (residency). 的 tuition law lists several factors which can be used to determine if intent has been established. 没有一个因素是充分的. 在确定定居意图时, all of the following factors applicable to the individual are considered:

  • 作为居民缴纳弗吉尼亚州所得税
  • 在弗吉尼亚州登记投票
  • 在弗吉尼亚拥有不动产
  • 接受弗吉尼亚的永久工作
  • 获得弗吉尼亚机动车驾驶执照
  • 在弗吉尼亚登记的机动车
  • 在第一天上课之前,在弗吉尼亚州连续居住至少一年
  • 财政支持的来源
  • location of checking or savings accounts or other economic relationship to Virginia
  • 任何其他个人特有的因素,这些因素倾向于建立将弗吉尼亚作为永久家园的意图.

申请人有责任提供尽可能多的信息和文件来支持其意图. 的re is no one set of criteria applied to an individual to document peculiar circumstances.



Any student whose parents have surrendered the right to his or her care, 抚养权及收益, 不再支持他或她, 并且在声称的权利日期之前至少12个月没有在联邦和州所得税申报表中声称他或她是受抚养人.

被解放的未成年人是指年龄在18岁以下的学生,其父母或监护人已经放弃了照顾他或她的权利, 抚养权及收益 和 who no longer claim him or her as a dependent for tax purposes.

法定监护人是由法院指定的对未成年人负有个人或经济责任的人. 注意:通常需要法庭证明,该任命不是为了学费目的,并且父母没有为未成年人提供支持.

住所是现在, 一个人暂时离开后返回的固定住所,他或她打算无限期地留在那里. 住所 in the Commonwealth must be established 12 months prior to the first day of class.

Intent, together with physical presence, establishes domicile (residency). 的 tuition law lists several factors which can be used to determine if intent has been established. 没有一个因素是充分的. 在确定定居意图时, all of the following factors applicable to the individual are considered:

  • 作为居民缴纳弗吉尼亚州所得税
  • 在弗吉尼亚州登记投票
  • 在弗吉尼亚拥有不动产
  • 接受弗吉尼亚的永久工作
  • 获得弗吉尼亚机动车驾驶执照
  • 在弗吉尼亚登记的机动车
  • 在第一天上课之前,在弗吉尼亚州连续居住至少一年
  • 财政支持的来源
  • location of checking or savings accounts or other economic relationship to Virginia
  • 任何其他个人特有的因素,这些因素倾向于建立将弗吉尼亚作为永久家园的意图.

申请人有责任提供尽可能多的信息和文件来支持其意图. 的re is no one set of criteria applied to an individual to document peculiar circumstances.



Any student whose parents have surrendered the right to his or her care, 抚养权及收益, 不再支持他或她, 并且在声称的权利日期之前至少12个月没有在联邦和州所得税申报表中声称他或她是受抚养人.

被解放的未成年人是指年龄在18岁以下的学生,其父母或监护人已经放弃了照顾他或她的权利, 抚养权及收益 和 who no longer claim him or her as a dependent for tax purposes.

法定监护人是由法院指定的对未成年人负有个人或经济责任的人. 注意:通常需要法庭证明,该任命不是为了学费目的,并且父母没有为未成年人提供支持.
